IO3 will cover the technical aspects relating to the use of digital tools. The platform will increase the digital skills of the lecturers and show them how to solve the main technical problems that they face when using the selected tools by presenting macros , videos, or guidelines. Along with this practical support to teachers, aimed at enhancing their digital skills, the partnership will provide them also with a “teaching capabilities maturity diagnosis tool” that will allow them to self-assess their digital skills. Finally , IO4 will focus on the technical/technology problems that frequently happen during online training. The partners will develop software and a dashboard aiming at monitoring the students’ engagement and the performance of intrinsic technological parameters through the analysis of audio and voice quality as well as face landmarks from all the attendants of online classes and suggest to lecturers corrective measures. This software will be developed thanks to the technical support of URL, a Spanish university that in this case will play the role also of a digital technology provider. The developed tools will be uploaded on the project website and will be freely accessible in just one place for all the potential beneficiaries, thus proposing unitary and holistic support to them (Promoting and rewarding excellence in learning, teaching, and skills development). In all the activities the partnership will be supported by Valuedo, a company specialized in providing consulting to Universities in innovating their practices in online teaching, from both the pedagogical and technical point of view. Valuedo will contribute in a transversal way to the project outputs and will boost the innovativeness of the results and the mainstream in wide networks.