<strong>HotSup consortium met in Florence</strong>

HotSup consortium met in Florence

ValueDo hosted the third meeting in presence of the HotSup project, held in Florence on 15th and 16th December 2022.
During the meeting, the partners discussed the results of the pilot testing of the tools and planned the last activities to ultimate it. The pilot should be fnished by January 2023.
The partners had a very fruitful brainstorming on the possibility to present another project all together within the new call foreseen for cooperation partnership in March 2023. The partners analysed the primary objectives of the call. Priority will be given to actions that are key to achieving the objectives of the European Education Area. The underlying objective is to accelerate the higher education transformation throughout Europe, in order to train future generations in co-creating knowledge for a resilient, inclusive and sustainable society.
In these last months of the project, the partners will work intensely on the dissemination and exploitation activities to carry out. All universities will organize a national multiplier event that will entail a presentation of the research findings and of the created tools, the dynamic toolkit for teaching activities (IO2), the platform (IO3) and the software for monitoring the technological aspects of the virtual training (IO4). In order to make the event more interactive and engaging for the participants, the project partners will develop a common methodology, in order to engage them in a workshop aimed at answering the need for a holistic support in the selection and implementation of remote teaching digital tools and methods with virtual/extended class (V/E) classes.
The partners agreed to have the Final Conference in Poznan on 30-31 March 2023 (at the same time as the International Multiplier Event organized by PUT). This event will be the first opportunity to officially present in public the project aims and expectations to an external audience, that belong to the same target group of the beneficiaries of the project: teachers and educators.
The next few months will be intense, but the partners are ready! The opportunity to meet in person only strengthened the mutual trust and the spirit of collaboration that has characterized the partnership since the first months of the project.