

ValueDo S.r.l. is a consultant company based in Florence, specialized in activities of European, national, regional and local project management and in the support of public socio-economic innovation policies. Our company carries out activity of research dedicated to the evaluation and definition of the strategies and the best initiatives within the strategic planning in addition to the use of EU structural fund. ValueDo is and manages 91C: coworking space

Alessandro Guadagni; Master’s degree in Political Science and Postgraduate Diploma in European Project Management and International Business. He worked as project coordinator for the ENDuRE project (Knowledge Alliance 2014 – 2014 – 3136/001 – 001), for 6 Erasmus+ Strategic Partnerships (two ongoing), various LdV-TOI, an EuropeAid project and he is currently involved in Knowledge Alliance projects (eTOMATO, IE3, SAFETY and PLANET4) and Strategic Partnership project (FUTURES and HOTSUP). He was also project coordinator for the program Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs. His thematic areas of expertise are: skill mismatch, socioeconomic analysis in the fields of training and business development within EU, training of young people, workers, entrepreneurs in order to develop upskilling or reskilling process for professional employability.

Giuditta Pasta; Master’s degree in Law. She worked as project assistant for several EU-funded projects on behalf of the Municipality of Prato (Horizon 2020, Interreg Europe projects). She is currently involved in all the Knowledge Alliance projects (eTOMATO, IE3, SAFETY and PLANET4) and the Strategic Partnership project (FUTURES and HOTSUP) participated by ValueDo, following the managerial, quality assurance and dissemination activities. She also addressed topics related to educational psychology (cognitive processing in the development process and social learning processes) and cultural anthropology (intercultural and multicultural processes).